[AstroPy] Python method to get the coordinates of the centers of trixels in HTMID

Arvind B arvind.b at students.iiserpune.ac.in
Wed Aug 23 00:16:42 EDT 2017


I am working on a problem to pixelate a sphere. So, I was wondering if
there is any python method to get the coordinates of the centers of the
trixels (spherical triangle pixel) in HTMID? I have tried the htm packages
in esutil and HMpTy, but I am not able to find the right method that I
require. A major advantage of using HTMID is that a coarser grid will be a
subset of a finer grid and so we will already have 1/4th of the points.
Please reply as soon as possible. Thanks!


Arvind Balasubramanian
5th Year BS-MS Student
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