[AstroPy] Trying to read Tycho-2 catalog

Erik Bray embray at stsci.edu
Thu Sep 3 12:39:54 EDT 2015

On 09/03/2015 12:33 PM, Aldcroft, Thomas wrote:
>  >>> t = ascii.read('tyc2.dat.00', readme='ReadMe', format='cds', guess=False)
> ...
> InconsistentTableError: Can't find table tyc2.dat.00 in ReadMe
>     I then tried
>     reader = ascii.get_reader(ascii.Cds, readme='ReadMe')
>     cat = reader.read('tyc2.dat.00')
>     which leads to an InconsistentTableError: Can't find table tyc2.dat.00
>     in ReadMe. Is there a way to specify the actual name of the catalog so
>     that I don't have to rename the file?
> The CDS format requires that the data files be named exactly as specified in the
> ReadMe.  You could always change the ReadMe.

It's strange that they would distribute the catalog data in a manner that isn't 
actually compatible with the CDS format.  I can understand if tyc2.dat is large 
that they would want to break it into multiple files (but then how do you know 
which file you want?).

Is this format some known extension to CDS?  How does other software read this 


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