[AstroPy] Happy 4th birthday Astropy!

Éric Depagne eric at depagne.org
Mon Oct 12 14:46:07 EDT 2015

On Monday 12 October 2015 13:52:07 Aldcroft, Thomas wrote:
Happy birthday, and thanks to all!

> It was four years ago today that the first Astropy coordination meeting
> took place at CfA with the following agenda:
>    https://github.com/astropy/astropy/wiki/CfAMeeting2011Agenda
> This meeting was the first time that words were really put into action [1],
> and now it's amazing to see how the ideas (dreams?) from the meeting have
> become reality.  Thanks to all those in the community who have devoted time
> and energy to making this happen!
> Cheers,
> Tom
> [1]: I would say that this email from Marshall Perrin
> <https://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/astropy/2011-June/001380.html> is the
> moment when the idea of Astropy was conceived (an exciting moment to be
> sure!), and the first meeting was the birth of Astropy.

Un clavier azerty en vaut deux
Éric Depagne                            eric at depagne.org

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