[AstroPy] Using test classes with astropy testing framework

Andrew Hearin andrew.hearin at yale.edu
Thu May 7 10:03:53 EDT 2015

Thanks, Christoph, that did the trick!

On May 7, 2015, at 9:52 AM, Christoph Deil <deil.christoph at googlemail.com> wrote:

>> On 07 May 2015, at 15:47, Andrew Hearin <andrew.hearin at yale.edu> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I’m using the Astropy package template to develop a package, and have thus far had an entirely painless experience building a test suite using the py.test settings that come pre-configured with the template. However, I am now trying to use python classes to construct a series of tests, and for some (almost undoubtedly simple) reason, py.test is not detecting my tests that appear within a class. 
>> In the following example, I have done my best to match the pattern used in the test_representation module that appears in the coordinates sub-package of astropy:
>> def trivial_test():
>> 	assert 42 == 42
>> class DummyTestClass(object):
>> 	def dummy_test(self):
>> 		assert 42 == 43
>> Ok, so that’s my setup. Now here’s the problem. When I run "python setup.py test” from my sub-package root directory, the testing module in which the above code appears does indeed execute, but the result only registers as “1 passed”, rather than “1 failed, 1 passed”, meaning that dummy_test is not executing. 
>> How should I modify my test suite to run tests that are embedded in classes? In the examples I have looked at online, all of them seem to use a __main__ execution, but Astropy testing does not seem to proceed this way, and I would rather do what y’all do. 
>> Cheers,
>> Andrew
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> You have to follow the pytest conventions for test discovery:
> http://pytest.org/latest/goodpractises.html#conventions-for-python-test-discovery
> I.e. start functions with `test_` and classes with `Test`.
> This works:
> def test_trivial():
> 	assert 42 == 42
> class TestDummyClass(object):
> 	def test_dummy(self):
> 		assert 42 == 43
> Christoph
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