[AstroPy] ffa in python

Anne Archibald archibald at astron.nl
Tue Jun 9 10:49:04 EDT 2015

I don't think there's a general FFA algorithm anywhere, though Vlad
Kondratiev wrote a tool for applying the FFA to radio data, and I have some
python code lying around somewhere. If you're searching for periodicities,
the standard procedure is to search an FFT with incoherent harmonic
summing; there are some pulsar searching tools that will do it (PRESTO, for
example) quickly and efficiently. If you only have a handful of photons, or
a modest number of periods to search, there are direct approaches that are
more sensitive. If you have really a long time series, there is a trick
where you do an FFT on the pairwise differences of photon arrival times.

In short, there are a whole range of procedures for searching for
periodicity in data. Can you be a little more specific about the problem
you are trying to solve?


On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 4:44 PM gonghang.naoc <ghang.naoc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there any python resource about fast folding algorithm?  I have a
> series of arrival times for a lot of photons. I need to do some periodical
> test, but do not know how to start.
> Thank you.
> best
> Hang
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