[AstroPy] Astropy and large VOTable files

Michael Droettboom mdroe at stsci.edu
Thu Jun 4 11:19:38 EDT 2015

On 06/03/2015 05:48 PM, Demitri Muna wrote:
> On May 18, 2015, at 2:09 PM, Andrew Hearin <andrew.hearin at yale.edu 
> <mailto:andrew.hearin at yale.edu>> wrote:
>> Being able to read large data in chunks, make cuts on the chunks, and 
>> return a table of rows that pass the cuts is a pretty common data 
>> mining task that I think would be good to include in Astropy. I’m 
>> happy to (re-)raise a GitHub issue for this purpose, and contribute 
>> some code, but first: Jennifer, this is the functionality you are 
>> describing, right? If so: Mike, do you see any fundamental obstacles 
>> with this?
> If you are working with very large FITS files, I recommend using Erin 
> Sheldon's fitsio package. The underlying C (cfitsio) library is able 
> to directly read slices without reading the whole file into memory.

Just for completeness, this is also true of astropy.io.fits.

> As for XML... I wouldn't recommend XML for crazy large files. It 
> wasn't designed for that.



> Cheers,
> Demitri
> _________________________________________
> Demitri Muna
> Department of Astronomy
> Le Ohio State University
> http://trillianverse.org
> http://scicoder.org
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