[AstroPy] errors returned by astropy.test()

José Vinícius josevinicius at iecom.org.br
Sun Jul 5 11:42:35 EDT 2015

Hi guys!

I'm trying to install the developer's version of astropy, and after using
>> import astropy
>> astropy.test()
I'm receiving several errors: *= 9 failed, 9053 passed, 170 skipped, 43
xfailed, 2 xpassed in 284.03 seconds == *1

The log of failures is as follows

=================================== FAILURES

_______________________ test_getitem_metadata_regression

*    def test_getitem_metadata_regression():*

*        """*

*        Regression test for #1471: MaskedArray does not call
__array_finalize__ so*

*        the meta-data was not getting copied over. By overloading
_update_from we*

*        are able to work around this bug.*

*        """*

*        # Make sure that meta-data gets propagated with __getitem__*

*        c = table.Column(data=[1,2], name='a', description='b', unit='m',
format="%i", meta={'c': 8})*

*        assert c[1:2].name == 'a'*

*        assert c[1:2].description == 'b'*

*        assert c[1:2].unit == 'm'*

*        assert c[1:2].format == '%i'*

*        assert c[1:2].meta['c'] == 8*

*        c = table.MaskedColumn(data=[1,2], name='a', description='b',
unit='m', format="%i", meta={'c': 8})*

*        assert c[1:2].name == 'a'*

*        assert c[1:2].description == 'b'*

*        assert c[1:2].unit == 'm'*

*        assert c[1:2].format == '%i'*

*        assert c[1:2].meta['c'] == 8*

*        # As above, but with take() - check the method and the function*

*        c = table.Column(data=[1,2,3], name='a', description='b',
unit='m', format="%i", meta={'c': 8})*

*        for subset in [c.take([0, 1]), np.take(c, [0, 1])]:*

*            assert subset.name <http://subset.name> == 'a'*

*            assert subset.description == 'b'*

*            assert subset.unit == 'm'*

*            assert subset.format == '%i'*

*            assert subset.meta['c'] == 8*

*        # Metadata isn't copied for scalar values*

*        if NUMPY_LT_1_8:*

*            with pytest.raises(ValueError):*

*>               c.take(0)*

*E               Failed: DID NOT RAISE*

astropy/table/tests/test_column.py:467: Failed

_______________________ test_getitem_metadata_regression

*    def test_getitem_metadata_regression():*

*        """*

*        Regression test for #1471: MaskedArray does not call
__array_finalize__ so*

*        the meta-data was not getting copied over. By overloading
_update_from we*

*        are able to work around this bug.*

*        """*

*        # Make sure that meta-data gets propagated with __getitem__*

*        c = table.Column(data=[1,2], name='a', description='b', unit='m',
format="%i", meta={'c': 8})*

*        assert c[1:2].name == 'a'*

*        assert c[1:2].description == 'b'*

*        assert c[1:2].unit == 'm'*

*        assert c[1:2].format == '%i'*

*        assert c[1:2].meta['c'] == 8*

*        c = table.MaskedColumn(data=[1,2], name='a', description='b',
unit='m', format="%i", meta={'c': 8})*

*        assert c[1:2].name == 'a'*

*        assert c[1:2].description == 'b'*

*        assert c[1:2].unit == 'm'*

*        assert c[1:2].format == '%i'*

*        assert c[1:2].meta['c'] == 8*

*        # As above, but with take() - check the method and the function*

*        c = table.Column(data=[1,2,3], name='a', description='b',
unit='m', format="%i", meta={'c': 8})*

*        for subset in [c.take([0, 1]), np.take(c, [0, 1])]:*

*            assert subset.name <http://subset.name> == 'a'*

*            assert subset.description == 'b'*

*            assert subset.unit == 'm'*

*            assert subset.format == '%i'*

*            assert subset.meta['c'] == 8*

*        # Metadata isn't copied for scalar values*

*        if NUMPY_LT_1_8:*

*            with pytest.raises(ValueError):*

*>               c.take(0)*

*E               Failed: DID NOT RAISE*

astropy/table/tests/test_column.py:467: Failed

_______________________ test_masked_row_with_object_col

*    def test_masked_row_with_object_col():*

*        """*

*        Numpy < 1.8 has a bug in masked array that prevents access a row
if there is*

*        a column with object type.*

*        """*

*        t = table.Table([[1]], dtype=['O'], masked=True)*

*        if NUMPY_LT_1_8:*

*            with pytest.raises(ValueError):*

*                t['col0'].mask = False*

*>               t[0].as_void()*

*E               Failed: DID NOT RAISE*

astropy/table/tests/test_row.py:26: Failed

______________ TestRow.test_row_and_as_void_with_objects[masked]

self = <astropy.table.tests.test_row.TestRow instance at 0x108ed2ab8>

table_types = <astropy.table.tests.conftest.TableTypes instance at

*    def test_row_and_as_void_with_objects(self, table_types):*

*        """Test the deprecated data property and as_void() method"""*

*        t = table_types.Table([[{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}]], names=('a',))*

*        assert t[0][0] == {'a': 1}*

*        assert t[0]['a'] == {'a': 1}*

*        if NUMPY_LT_1_8 and t.masked:*

*            # With numpy < 1.8 there is a bug setting mvoid with*

*            # an object.*

*            with pytest.raises(ValueError):*

*>               t[0].as_void()*

*E               Failed: DID NOT RAISE*

astropy/table/tests/test_row.py:197: Failed

_______________________ test_masked_row_with_object_col

*    def test_masked_row_with_object_col():*

*        """*

*        Numpy < 1.8 has a bug in masked array that prevents access a row
if there is*

*        a column with object type.*

*        """*

*        t = table.Table([[1]], dtype=['O'], masked=True)*

*        if NUMPY_LT_1_8:*

*            with pytest.raises(ValueError):*

*                t['col0'].mask = False*

*>               t[0].as_void()*

*E               Failed: DID NOT RAISE*

astropy/table/tests/test_row.py:26: Failed

______________ TestRow.test_row_and_as_void_with_objects[masked]

self = <astropy.table.tests.test_row.TestRow instance at 0x10928e128>

table_types = <astropy.table.tests.conftest.TableTypes instance at

*    def test_row_and_as_void_with_objects(self, table_types):*

*        """Test the deprecated data property and as_void() method"""*

*        t = table_types.Table([[{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}]], names=('a',))*

*        assert t[0][0] == {'a': 1}*

*        assert t[0]['a'] == {'a': 1}*

*        if NUMPY_LT_1_8 and t.masked:*

*            # With numpy < 1.8 there is a bug setting mvoid with*

*            # an object.*

*            with pytest.raises(ValueError):*

*>               t[0].as_void()*

*E               Failed: DID NOT RAISE*

astropy/table/tests/test_row.py:197: Failed

_________________________ test_repr_array_of_quantity

*    def test_repr_array_of_quantity():*

*        """*

*        Test print/repr of object arrays of Quantity objects with

*        units.*

*        Regression test for the issue first reported in*

*        https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/3777

*        """*

*        a = np.array([1 * u.m, 2 * u.s], dtype=object)*

*        if NUMPY_LT_1_7:*

*            # Numpy 1.6.x has some different defaults for how to display

*            # arrays (it uses the str() of the objects instead of the

*            assert repr(a) == 'array([1.0 m, 2.0 s], dtype=object)'*

*            assert str(a) == '[1.0 m 2.0 s]'*

*        else:*

*>           assert repr(a) == 'array([<Quantity 1.0 m>, <Quantity 2.0 s>],

*E           assert 'array([1.0, ...dtype=object)' ==

*E             - array([1.0, 2.0], dtype=object)*

*E             + array([<Quantity 1.0 m>, <Quantity 2.0 s>], dtype=object)*

astropy/units/tests/test_quantity.py:1180: AssertionError

______________________ TestQuantityStatsFuncs.test_median

self =
object at 0x109b710d0>

*    def test_median(self):*

*        q1 = np.array([1., 2., 4., 5., 6.]) * u.m*

*>       assert np.median(q1) == 4. * u.m*

*E       assert 4.0 == (4.0 * Unit("m"))*

*E        +  where 4.0 = <function median at 0x1027548c0>(<Quantity [ 1.,
2., 4., 5., 6.] m>)*

*E        +    where <function median at 0x1027548c0> = np.median*

*E        +  and   Unit("m") = u.m*

astropy/units/tests/test_quantity_array_methods.py:178: AssertionError

__________________ TestQuantityStatsFuncs.test_median_inplace

self =
object at 0x109b7c2d0>

*    def test_median_inplace(self):*

*        q1 = np.array([1., 2., 4., 5., 6.]) * u.m*

*        qi = 1.5 * u.s*

*        np.median(q1, out=qi)*

*>       assert qi == 4 * u.m*

*E       assert <Quantity 4.0 s> == (4 * Unit("m"))*

*E        +  where Unit("m") = u.m*

astropy/units/tests/test_quantity_array_methods.py:184: AssertionError

*= 9 failed, 9053 passed, 170 skipped, 43 xfailed, 2 xpassed in 284.03
seconds ==*


Does anybody know what might be causing these errors? Is there anything to
be concerned with?

Thank you in advance.

Astropy 1.1.dev12835
Darwin-14.3.0 - 64bit
Python 2.7.6
Numpy 1.8.0rc1
Scipy 0.13.0b1
Matplotlib 1.3.1
h5py 2.5.0
CVLattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3267230342393209
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