[AstroPy] Abbreviated data types in IPAC tables

Paul Kuin npkuin at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 07:44:55 EST 2015

I was under the impression that astropy reads FITS, and it looks like the
IPAC ascii table standard is incompatable. Perhaps IPAC can elaborate?

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 3:35 AM, Gregory Simonian <
simonian.7 at buckeyemail.osu.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to read in an IPAC table from the WISE IRSA catalog using
> Astropy v4.1, which for some columns abbreviate "double" as "doubl". At
> first I thought this was a bug in the database, but I was informed that
> abbreviations off the end are actually a legal part of the standard.[0]
> However, whenever I try to read it using astropy, I get the error:
> In [2]: Table.read("test_output.tbl", format="ascii.ipac", guess=False)
> <snip>
> ValueError: Unknown data type ""doubl"" for column "w1ba"
> Is this a part of the standard that hasn't been implemented yet in
> astropy? Or is there some setting that I haven't found that will enable
> this to work? Or am I just doing something wrong? I've attached a small
> output file that reproduces this error for anyone that's curious. Thanks!
>                                    Gregory Simonian
> [0] http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/DDGEN/Doc/ipac_tbl.html
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