[AstroPy] IAU Commission for Astronomical Software?

Peter Teuben teuben at astro.umd.edu
Mon Sep 29 08:00:06 EDT 2014

Hi All

I presume this issue will come up at ADASS next week, I had "sort of"
it would be absorbed in Comm.5 , which is about Data and Libraries.  Some
software (SOFA) was already part of this body (but not in Libraries, where
they mean the other overloaded paper thing).

In another group (theory/modeliing) I also overheard a desire to
organize software,
so hopefully this will not cause us to have two groups of software.

Of course the ASCL would be very interested in this as well, but that's
a given.

So, those at ADASS next week will hear more, and I suppose we'll report
back here


On 09/29/2014 07:45 AM, Thomas Robitaille wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> A little while ago, the IAU put out a call for proposals for new
> commissions for the IAU. As you will notice here:
> http://www.iau.org/science/scientific_bodies/commissions/
> there are commissions on data and documentation, but there are
> surprisingly no commissions on software! (this was brought to my
> attention by Stephen Serjeant from the Open University).
> My question is the following: is anyone here leading or aware of
> anyone leading a proposal for a software commission?
> In case no one has already started this, I have created a google group
> that you can sign up to if you are interested in helping out with such
> an effort:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/iau-software-commission-proposal
> I am not an IAU member so I will not be able to lead this proposal,
> but I would be interested in helping out if someone here wants to take
> the lead!
> Cheers,
> Tom
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