[AstroPy] how to flatten an optical spectrum of a star

Joe Philip Ninan indiajoe at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 14:24:40 EDT 2014

Hi Hang,
I am not sure, i understand exactly what you mean by flattened spectrum.
Are you talking about Continuum Normalised Spectrum?

If so, you can do it in python, by dividing the original spectrum with a
smooth curve, which is obtained by fitting the spectrum with a heavily
smoothed spline OR low order polynomial.
You can use scipy and numpy modules for it.

On 1 September 2014 08:39, gonghang.naoc <ghang.naoc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Sometimes we can see a star's spectrum is flattened. That is because we
> have already known its black body continuum well and a flattened spectrum
> can save space, right?
> A naive question is generally how to make that kind of spectrum?  Every
> point is divided by its neighbours‘ values?
> Is there any ready made python module to do that?
> Thank you.
> hang
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