[AstroPy] ANN: Astropy v0.4 released

Erik Bray embray at stsci.edu
Fri Jul 18 17:42:17 EDT 2014

On 07/18/2014 09:33 AM, Derek Homeier wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
>>> I had a look at the new release and actually ran into a problem right away building it on OS X 10.9:
>>> File "/scratch.noindex/fink.build/astropy-py34-0.4-1/astropy-0.4/ah_bootstrap.py", line 435, in _check_submodule_using_git
>>>     stderr = stderr.decode(stdio_encoding)
>>> TypeError: decode() argument 1 must be str, not None
>> We've got a known issue for the issue of incorrectly set environment
>> variables (such as in the MacOS X terminal):
>> http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/known_issues.html#utf-8-locale-error-on-macos-x
>> I've now opened a pull request to add other errors such as the one above
>> which are due to the same issue:
>>   https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/2760
>> Erik B. has also been working on a workaround that will try and get
>> around issues of misconfigured locale variables. In the mean time, it
>> makes sense to set these correctly as shown in the 'known issue' above,
>> since this is an error that can occur with other packages, not just astropy.
> thanks indeed, confirms more or less my suspicions.
> However in the case of the Fink build it was not the mangled LC_CTYPE from Terminal, but having no locale
> settings at all, i.e. locale.getdefaultlocale() returning (None, None) rather than ValueError.
> Forwarded this to the Fink developers’ list, but I think LC_* and LANG being all unset should be something
> the setup ought to be able to handle, so this might remain just a temporary fix for astropy.
> I could track the Python3.2/Python3.3 issues
>>>   File "setup.py", line 8, in <module>
>>>     import ah_bootstrap
>>>   File "/scratch.noindex/fink.build/astropy-py33-0.4-1/astropy-0.4/ah_bootstrap.py", line 716, in <module>
>>>     _main()
>>>   File "/scratch.noindex/fink.build/astropy-py33-0.4-1/astropy-0.4/ah_bootstrap.py", line 713, in _main
>>>     use_astropy_helpers(**kwargs)
>>>   File "/scratch.noindex/fink.build/astropy-py33-0.4-1/astropy-0.4/ah_bootstrap.py", line 245, in use_astropy_helpers
>>>     upgrade = _do_upgrade(dist, index_url)
>>>   File "/scratch.noindex/fink.build/astropy-py33-0.4-1/astropy-0.4/ah_bootstrap.py", line 341, in _do_upgrade
>>>     package_index = PackageIndex(index_url=index_url)
>>>   File "/sw/lib/python3.3/site-packages/setuptools/package_index.py", line 269, in __init__
>>>     Environment.__init__(self,*args,**kw)
>>>   File "/sw/lib/python3.3/site-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 799, in __init__
>>>     self.scan(search_path)
>>>   File "/sw/lib/python3.3/site-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 829, in scan
>>>     self.add(dist)
>>>   File "/sw/lib/python3.3/site-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 849, in add
>>>     dists.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('hashcmp'), reverse=True)
>>> TypeError: unorderable types: str() < NoneType()
> down to a seemingly broken PackageIndex in their their setuptools.package_index, which always raises the above
> error whether you pass it a valid URL or nothing at all, but it’s apparently a bit non-deterministic if the _do_upgrade
> is called - or it generally is when building from the tar ball, but not from the git repo.
> I could solve this by adding
> auto_upgrade = False
> to setup.cfg.
> Can you think of any objections against this solution (generally I think we don’t want any automatic downloads etc.
> within a package build)?


./setup.py --offline <build/install/etc>

to disable the auto-upgrade.  In any case it only runs when installing from a 
tarball, *not* for source checkouts.  It's really only there for users making 
their own pip install.

The locale issue will be fixed in the next release.


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