[AstroPy] Release of WCSAxes 0.2

Asra Nizami anizami at macalester.edu
Tue Aug 12 11:18:04 EDT 2014

Hi everyone,

I have released a 0.2 version of WCSAxes, a framework for plotting
astronomical images in Matplotlib. The package is available at


and the latest documentation can be found at


I have been working on WCSAxes as part of my GSoC project for Astropy and
this release includes some new features and small bug fixes. The new
features of this version are

* the ability to draw minor ticks

* more control over tick labels

* more control over setting the color and linewidth of frames

This release also includes  contributions from Thomas Robitaille and
Christoph Deil.



Asra Nizami
Macalester College '16
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