[AstroPy] Heliocentric/Barycentric JD corrections

Leo Huckvale leo.huckvale at postgrad.manchester.ac.uk
Wed Apr 16 11:11:40 EDT 2014

Hi all,

  Following recent discussion about implementing HJD on astropy-dev and 
github, I thought I might offer up one solution to correct timestamps to 
HJD/BJD. It seemed more appropriate here than on the dev mailing list.

  The code below defines the function "jd_corr" which takes Modified 
Julian Dates (on UTC scale), source RA and Dec and a correction type 
"bjd" or "hjd". This returns "new_jd", which is the corrected set of 
time stamps in an astropy.time.Time object. The delta-t corrections are 
obtained from barycentric ephemerides via jplephem, as recommended in 
the discussion on github, and a corresponding data package (in this 
case, de423).

Hopefully this might help someone. I'd appreciate any feedback - 
especially if I've overlooked something vital, which is entirely 
possible! I have relied in a large part on astropy.time to work its 
magic on time-standard conversions.

Best regards,


import numpy as np

import astropy.time as time
import astropy.coordinates as coords
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as const

import jplephem
import de423

VISTA_LAT = -24.6157    # Geographic coordinates of observatory
VISTA_LON = -70.3976

def jd_corr(mjd, ra, dec, jd_type='bjd'):
     """Return BJD or HJD for input MJD(UTC)."""

     # Initialise ephemeris from jplephem
     eph = jplephem.Ephemeris(de423)

     # Source unit-vector
     ## Assume coordinates in ICRS
     ## Set distance to unit (kilometers)
     src_vec = coords.ICRS(ra=ra, dec=dec,
                           unit=(u.degree, u.degree),
                           distance=coords.Distance(1, u.km))

     # Convert epochs to astropy.time.Time
     ## Assume MJD(UTC)
     t = time.Time(mjd, scale='utc', format='mjd', lat=VISTA_LAT, 

     # Get Earth-Moon barycenter position
     ## NB: jplephem uses Barycentric Dynamical Time, e.g. JD(TDB)
     ## and gives positions relative to solar system barycenter
     barycenter_earthmoon = eph.position('earthmoon', t.tdb.jd)

     # Get Moon position vectors
     moonvector = eph.position('moon', t.tdb.jd)

     # Compute Earth position vectors
     pos_earth = (barycenter_earthmoon - moonvector * eph.earth_share)*u.km

     if jd_type == 'bjd':
         # Compute BJD correction
         ## Assume source vectors parallel at Earth and Solar System 
         ## i.e. source is at infinity
         corr = np.dot(pos_earth.T, src_vec.cartesian.value)/const.c
     elif jd_type == 'hjd':
         # Compute HJD correction via Sun ephemeris
         pos_sun = eph.position('sun', t.tdb.jd)*u.km
         sun_earth_vec = pos_earth - pos_sun
         corr = np.dot(sun_earth_vec.T, src_vec.cartesian.value)/const.c

     # TDB is the appropriate time scale for these ephemerides
     dt = time.TimeDelta(corr, scale='tdb', format='jd')

     # Compute and return HJD/BJD as astropy.time.Time
     new_jd = t + dt

     return new_jd

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