[AstroPy] Write machine readable tables in Python?

Paul Kuin npkuin at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 15:20:37 EDT 2014

Are you sure that you can't just send it as (a) FITS file(s) + a readme -
then you should not need the format tables at all?

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 8:09 PM, Paul Kuin <npkuin at gmail.com> wrote:

> .I worked in with francois Ochsenbein of the CDS to pin down the original
> format. He developed some tools in C that are useful. One will build a
> format table for the data file. So the following scenario would seem to
> make sense. I will need to look all this up as it has been nearly 20 years
> ago. But basically we we built then the tools to do automatic reformatting,
> verification and ingest of the ascii tables in the archive.
> 1. write ascii tables using astropy; keep a list of header names.
> 2. reformat the tables to a standard form (I think there's a C script to
> do that.
> 3. run the format table generator; perhaps the barebones ReadMe file is
> better. (C script)
> Then you have the ascii tables, and Readme which will need some editing by
> hand to fill in the abstract and add notes and such.
> I'll have to look into this and email Francois, since he wrote the stuff
> 20 years ago. Should be no big deal.
> I think that this may take a few days ...
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 7:54 PM, Kevin Gullikson <
> kevin.gullikson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Leo,
>> As far as implementing a writer in Astropy, the trickiest part would be
>> writing the Fortran-style format strings. Probably the most reliable method
>> would be to write the table data using the existing fixed-width formatter,
>> then read it back to deduce the format string.
>> I have used the fortranformat<https://pypi.python.org/pypi/fortranformat>package for fortran-format strings in the past. I've found that the string
>> formatting in python has a really hard time getting everything right for
>> input to fortran programs.
>> Kevin Gullikson
>> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Leo Singer <lsinger at caltech.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> I think that I need to write both the ASCII table and the ReadMe header
>>> section. I am preparing some Machine Readable Tables for inclusion in an an
>>> ApJ submission, following the guidelines here:
>>> https://aas.org/authors/online-only-materials-guidelines
>>> I wrote a little script to send an astropy.table.Table instance to the
>>> AAS machine readable table converter form. That form is here:
>>> http://authortools.aas.org/MRT/upload.html
>>> And the script is here:
>>> https://gist.github.com/lpsinger/10489886
>>> As far as implementing a writer in Astropy, the trickiest part would be
>>> writing the Fortran-style format strings. Probably the most reliable method
>>> would be to write the table data using the existing fixed-width formatter,
>>> then read it back to deduce the format string.
>>> Leo
>>> On Apr 10, 2014, at 4:28 PM, Paul Kuin <npkuin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Do you mean that you need to generate the ascii tables as well as the
>>> format tables for the ReadMe file?
>>> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 11:21 PM, Leo Singer <lsinger at caltech.edu>wrote:
>>>> Does anyone know of a tool for writing Machine Readable Tables (CDS
>>>> format) in Python? I know that astropy.table and asciitable can read them,
>>>> but I need to write one.
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> * * * * * * * * http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/~npmk/ * * * *
> Dr. N.P.M. Kuin      (n.kuin at ucl.ac.uk)
> phone +44-(0)1483 (prefix) -204927 (work)
> mobile +44(0)7806985366  skype ID: npkuin
> Mullard Space Science Laboratory  - University College London  -
> Holmbury St Mary - Dorking - Surrey RH5 6NT-  U.K.


* * * * * * * * http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/~npmk/ * * * *
Dr. N.P.M. Kuin      (n.kuin at ucl.ac.uk)
phone +44-(0)1483 (prefix) -204927 (work)
mobile +44(0)7806985366  skype ID: npkuin
Mullard Space Science Laboratory  - University College London  -
Holmbury St Mary - Dorking - Surrey RH5 6NT-  U.K.
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