[AstroPy] Helping guide development of spectral reduction and analysis tools in astropy

Perry Greenfield stsci.perry at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 08:09:34 EDT 2013


At the last Astropy Coordination meeting at Yale, the group discussed what the priorities should be for spectral reduction and analysis tools in the upcoming year, and beyond. STScI will have resources to work on this, and there are a number of others interested in contributing to such work. It was agreed that there should be an effort to coordinate such efforts. This is the start of that.

First, we would like to get input for what the greatest needs are to help determine the development priorities for such work. If you are interested in helping guide that work, please visit the following astropy wiki page to see what kind of information we are seeking.


As information is collected, the results will be summarized on the wiki. Based upon these results, a roadmap will be developed outlining the development priorities of STScI, and suggested priorities for other developers. Once determined, STScI will then start implementing its part of the roadmap.

If you have further questions or issues, please use the email address astropy.spectra at gmail.com

Thank you for your time,

Perry Greenfield

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