[AstroPy] Selecting data from ascii.table with multiple conditions

Joe Philip Ninan indiajoe at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 05:27:38 EDT 2013

Hi Yannick, Tom and Jeonghyun,
Thanks for the examples. They all worked.
I loaded the data with ascii.read() tool.
What confused me was Mytable['ID']>60  returned an object which contains a
boolean data array and another mask array.
Which is why i thought, i had to add .data before taking logical &, to make
sure data array is used.

Am I correct in assuming that this object which returned will basically
work like a standard numpy masked array? It will all make sense that way.

On 25 October 2013 11:25, Yannick Roehlly <yannick.roehlly at oamp.fr> wrote:

> Le Fri, 25 Oct 2013 02:24:38 +0530,
> Joe Philip Ninan <indiajoe at gmail.com> a écrit :
> > Mytable[np.where((Mytable['ID']>60).data &
> > (Mytable['MAG']>18).data)]['MAG'].data.data
> >
> > Quite a lot of ".data" to be appended !!
> > Am i missing some feature astropy already has for doing these kind of
> > data selection from table?
> Hi Joe,
> How do you read your table ?
> Mytable[(Mytable['ID']>60) & (Mytable['MAG']>18)] should do what you
> want.
> Cheers,
> Yannick
> --
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