[AstroPy] astropy reference

Erik Tollerud erik.tollerud at gmail.com
Sat May 18 20:20:42 EDT 2013

Unfortunately, there is not a published citation available yet.  A few
options that come to mind:

* Cite the forthcoming A&A paper (see
https://github.com/astropy/astropy-v0.2-paper for a current draft) - it's
not submitted yet, but depending on how long your paper takes to be in
press, we may at least have an astro-ph preprint out by the time you're
doing proofs.
* Cite our Astronomy Source Code Library entry (
http://asterisk.apod.com/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=31097&p=196496#p196496).  The
ASCL is now indexed by ADS, so it should be there at
http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013ascl.soft04002C , but it was only a few
weeks back that it got put up, so I don't think ADS has it yet.  You can
look at http://asterisk.apod.com/wp/?page_id=351 for info on how to cite
ASCL entries, or if that doesn't help, I can send you an example of how
I've done this before in a way that ApJ deemed sufficient.
* Cite my ADASS conference proceeding as Tim suggested as "in press" or
similar.  I'd prefer not to put it on arXiv unless absolutely necessary,
because the hope was to get people to cite the A&A paper and not confuse
them with a few different things to cite.  Apparently you're just too on
top of things and are publishing before we expected anyone to, Eric :)

Once the A&A paper is up, we'll probably encourage people to always  cite
the latest A&A paper and/or the ASCL entry (although we haven't finalized a
"policy" yet).

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Eric Jeschke <eric at naoj.org> wrote:

> I'm finishing up a paper and I need a reference for astropy.  Can someone
> give me a journal (preferably) or barring that, a conference proceedings
> reference to astropy?
> May I also ask the astropy admins to update the affiliated package link
> for Ginga and put in the PyPI link?  (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ginga)
> Thanks,
> ~Eric
> --
> Eric Jeschke          |    eric at naoj.org    | ジェスキ,エリク
> Software Engineer     |     808-934-5908    | ソフトウェアエンジニア
> Subaru Telescope      |                     | すばる望遠鏡
> National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
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