[AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 81, Issue 12

Adrian Price-Whelan adrianmpw at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 15:58:48 EDT 2013

Wrong -- I'm using Pine! Just kidding...you're right, that came off
wrong, I indeed love GUI's but feel like the existing options don't
add much when doing data analysis with spectra (e.g. line
measurements). Exploring and viewing spectra is a separate issue -- I
*do* think it's nice to be able to zoom, pan, resample, etc. on the

Anyway, I am interested in the prospect of web front-ending, but also
still skeptical of javascript as a long-term solution...

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 3:51 PM, Chris Beaumont <beaumont at hawaii.edu> wrote:
> I'm more optimistic about GUIs than Adrian (who I bet is reading this email
> with a GUI!), but agree that computation and presentation logic should have
> sharp boundaries between them -- it makes developing both much cleaner.
> Another option to consider is to what extent astropy GUIs can revolve around
> javascript and the IPython notebook. Installation is much easier, and this
> is the python workflow of the future. Unfortunately, matplotlib in the
> notebook is still mostly non-interactive, but I have to think the MPL people
> are working on this (another reason to delay interface design!)

Adrian M. Price-Whelan ~ Columbia University ~ http://adrian.pw

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