[AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 81, Issue 12

Timothy Pickering te.pickering at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 13:37:10 EDT 2013

> Hmm, ok, those seem like use-cases that overlap a lot with
> astropy.table and astropy.io.ascii.  Do you find pandas is noticeably
> faster than astropy.tables?

haven't directly compared.  a pandas data frame is a higher level construct than what astropy.table provides.  it's more than just a table.  as far as the IO stuff, pandas can be finicky and doesn't provide the breadth of format support like astropy does (e.g. FITS or latex).  it should be possible to relatively easily convert between astropy.table.Table and pandas.DataFrame.  been meaning to look into that, but haven't gotten around to it.


| T. E. Pickering, Ph.D.         | Southern African Large Telescope |
| SALT Astronomer                |                             SAAO |
| tim at saao.ac.za  (520) 305-9823 |                 Observatory Road |
| tim at salt.ac.za +27-71-551-8281 |   7925 Observatory, South Africa |
overflow error in /dev/null

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