[AstroPy] ANN: ATpy 0.9.7 release

Thomas Robitaille thomas.robitaille at gmail.com
Tue Jul 30 10:55:33 EDT 2013

Hi everyone,

This is to let you know that ATpy v0.9.7 is now available for download.


ATpy is a high-level Python package providing a generic Table class
that can contain data and meta-data, and includes column manipulation,
row selection, and sorting methods. Most of the functionality from
ATpy has now been incorporated into Astropy (http://www.astropy.org),
and specifically astropy.table:


so this release of ATpy is only provided for backward-compatibility.
If you have never used ATpy before, you can therefore ignore this

The main change in this release is that ATpy now depends on Astropy
instead of PyFITS, vo, and asciitable for reading and writing FITS,
VO, and ASCII tables. The documentation is now hosted at:


In particular, we have written a guide for existing ATpy users who
want to migrate to Astropy:


Since the migration is not as simple as changing an import statement,
we will continue to distribute ATpy for the foreseeable future as a
legacy package, but for any new code, we encourage you to use
astropy.table instead. This will be one of the last releases of ATpy,
and we will not develop any new features from now on (but will fix
bugs when possible).

To update ATpy using pip:

  pip install atpy --upgrade

Please do not hesitate to let us know if you encounter any problems with
this release!

Tom and Eli

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