[AstroPy] Doodle poll for Astropy Coordination Meeting

Erik Tollerud erik.tollerud at gmail.com
Fri Jul 5 12:06:08 EDT 2013

This is a reminder that if you have not yet participated in this poll
and want to go to the meeting, you should do so in the next day or two
so we can choose an appropriate date.

Thanks to all who have thus far!

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 9:28 AM, Erik Tollerud <erik.tollerud at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> As you may or may not know, there have been coordination meetings the last
> two years (at the CfA and STScI) to discuss progress and future plans for
> the Astropy project. These meetings were crucial in helping organize the
> initial stages and direction for the project.
> Since then, Astropy has grown significantly and there are a number of quite
> different subpackages, each with somewhat different items to address and
> consider. This has prompted discussion in the coordinating committee that we
> might consider holding in-person coordination meetings less often (every 2nd
> year perhaps?).  Instead, we might start scheduling regular google hangouts
> to deal with items that might otherwise have been targeted for the
> coordination meeting.
> Or, we might continue the yearly schedule, but focus the coordination
> meetings on coding sprints, rather than planning discussions.  E.g., a day
> or half-day of progress overviews, followed by 1 or 2 days of sprinting to
> focus on specific issues that are better addressed in-person. (Perhaps we
> can even dabble in pair coding.)
> So to help in making such a decision, I have created a doodle poll at
> http://www.doodle.com/t9em8iaqm7f6hrx7
> This poll contains a number of potential dates this fall for the
> coordination meeting.  The Yale Astronomy department is willing to host such
> an event for this year (host=provide a space and pay for coffee and lunch),
> so it will most likely be in New Haven, CT, USA.  *If* you would be
> interested in attending such a meeting this year, please add your name to
> the poll and indicate which dates you are available.
> Please aim to respond by July 4 (2 weeks).  If at that point enough people
> express interest that it seems worthwhile to hold a meeting, we will
> schedule a time based on the responses.  If not, we will skip the meeting
> this year, and instead hold one in the fall of 2014.  (And if anyone has
> ideas for other approaches to coordination meetings, of course feel free to
> respond to this post.)
> Thanks!
> --
> Erik T

Erik T

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