[AstroPy] Are there astropy packages for redhat/debian linux?

Olе Streicher astropy at liska.ath.cx
Tue Apr 30 13:10:37 EDT 2013

Duncan Macleod <duncan.macleod at ligo.org> writes:
> I'm wondering if astropy has been packaged for linux, and if I can install it
> using the apt or yum package managers? If so, I'll have an easier time
> convincing my computing cluster admin to install it (probably).

Astropy is not part of the current Debian and Ubuntu releases, and it
also will not be in the upcoming Debian Wheezy release.

However, I just uploaded 0.2.1 to Debian unstable, and therefore it will
be part of the next (13.10) Ubuntu release. For Ubuntu, you can also
download it from my personal repository at



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