[AstroPy] Enthought Canopy vs. another distribution for Mac?

Thomas Robitaille thomas.robitaille at gmail.com
Tue Apr 30 11:25:32 EDT 2013

Even though I wrote the MacPorts Python guide, if you want to get set
up quickly, then I'm going to +1 Anaconda - it's certainly the fastest
and easiest way to get set up, and you'll automatically get Astropy
(which is included by default), and you won't have to worry about root
vs non-root issues since Anaconda is installed into your home


On 30 April 2013 16:20, Matt Davis <mrdavis at stsci.edu> wrote:
> Hi Eric, I generally recommend the Anaconda distro:
> http://continuum.io/downloads.html It's open source and supports setting up
> different environments, and it's nicely self contained so it won't mess with
> anything else you have installed. You can set it up on both Mac and Linux
> without root.
> Best,
> Matt
> On Apr 30, 2013, at 10:13 AM, "Eric L. N. Jensen" <ejensen1 at swarthmore.edu>
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> I've gradually been making the switch both to using Python more for my data
> analysis, and also doing more of my work on a Mac rather than Linux.  So
> I've decided it's time to get my Mac python distribution(s) in order (there
> are several of them running around on my machine, from various packages) and
> start fresh with a new python distro that I'll maintain as my main work
> environment.
> The page at
> http://python4astronomers.github.io/installation/python_install.html
> recommends Enthought Python as a good place to start, but I find that this
> has now changed to a different environment called Canopy.  Any opinions on
> whether I should install Canopy, or choose a different distro?
> A few pieces of information that may be helpful in answering this:
> 1.  I'm running Mac OSX 10.7, 64-bit.
> 2.  I'm comfortable installing/building software from the command line (as
> root or not).
> 3.  BUT all of my installation/sys-admin experience is with non-python
> software, and much of it on Linux.  I don't have any experience with
> managing a python environment, especially with multiple python
> installations, and I don't want to mess up the system python install (or the
> internal python installs for other software I have installed, like CASA).
> 4.  I *do* qualify for the Enthought academic license, so I can use that
> rather than the free version.
> 5.  If this goes well, I'd probably like to set up a similar environment on
> my linux machine as well, though this is relatively low priority if
> otherwise there's a good Mac-only solution.
> Thanks in advance for your help with this - let me know if there's other
> info that would be useful.
> Eric Jensen
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