[AstroPy] Fwd: Astrostatistics and Astroinformatics Portal

Victoria G. Laidler laidler at stsci.edu
Tue Apr 9 11:02:24 EDT 2013

Thought this might be of interest to folks on this list.
Apologies for any inadvertent duplications.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Astrostatistics and Astroinformatics Portal
Date: 	Thu, 4 Apr 2013 20:05:24 -0400
From: 	Eric D. Feigelson <e5f at psu.edu>
To: 	Eric Feigelson <edf at astro.psu.edu>

This email is an invitation for you to join the Web site 
Astrostatistics and Astroinformatics Portal 
<http://asaip.psu.edu/> (ASAIP, http://asaip.psu.edu 
<http://asaip.psu.edu/>). Astronomers are facing growing 
challenges of analyzing `Big Data' projects like multi-epoch 
wide-field surveys, and of linking complex astronomical 
datasets to astrophysical theory.  Methodology extending the 
narrow suite of familiar methods are increasingly needed for 
understanding astronomical data.  Our community needs to 
improve education in modern statistical and computational 
capabilities, to guide used to software implementing these 
methods, and to foster collaboration between 
astrophysicists, statisticians and information scientists.

ASAIP provides a searchable collection of papers on advanced 
methodology used in astronomy, short articles, discussion 
forums, list of meetings and jobs, links to blogs, on-line 
courses, datasets, and various related Web resources. 
  Members of ASAIP can contribute material and participate 
in discussions.  To join ASAIP, please send a brief email to 
the editors, Eric Feigelson <mailto:%20edf at astro.psu.edu>  
and Joseph Hilbe <mailto:%20hilbe at asu.edu>.

ASAIP is also used by four new organizations devoted to 
promoting advanced statistical and computational methodology 
in astronomy:

  * International Astrostatistics Association, affiliated
    with the International Statistical Institute.  The IAA
    welcomes membership by all students and researchers
    interested in this cross-disciplinary field; contact
    Joseph Hilbe <mailto:%20hilbe at asu.edu> for membership.

  * International Astronomical Union's Working Group in
    Astrostatistics and Astroinformatics.  Members of the
    IAU can join the WG by contacting Eric Feigelson
    <mailto:%20edf at astro.psu.edu>.

  * American Astronomical Society's Working Group in
    Astroinformatics and Astrostatsitics.  Members of the
    AAS can join this WG by contacting Zeljko Ivezic
    <mailto:%20ivezic at astro.washington.edu>.
  * Large Synoptic Survey Telescope's Informatics and
    Statistics Science Collaboration.

Overall, we encourage you to peruse ASAIP 
<http://asaip.psu.edu>, join one of the organizations, and 
participate in community discussions relating to statistics 
and computation.

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