[AstroPy] transferring ownership of astropy.org to numfocus

gonghang.naoc ghang.naoc at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 09:12:23 EDT 2012

Dear all,
   Is there any python module that can make heliocentric velocity
   Thank you!

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 7:04 PM, Paul Barrett <pebarrett at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 2:58 PM, Perry Greenfield <perry at stsci.edu> wrote:
> > Currently the astropy.org domain is held by STScI. There was recent
> > discussion amongst the astropy coordinators whether this should be
> > held elsewhere. One natural place seemed to be the numfocus
> > organization that was recently formed. They are willing to own (and
> > pay the small annual fee) for the domain name. This seems like a
> > sensible solution to have the domain held by such a organization
> > rather than by a specific astronomical institution. But they wanted to
> > know if there was any objection from the astropy community before
> > doing so.
> > Is there any?
> Perry, can you provide more information about the numfocus
> organization?  I've looked at the web site, but do not get a clear
> picture of the organization's motivation and long term goals and
> stability. The latter aspect seems to be key issue, i.e., the long
> term stability.  Given the inherent instability of the scientific, and
> in particular, astronomical community, particularly during these times
> of reduced to non-existent funding, some additional clarification
> would be helpful.  I don't mean to be critical, given my lack of
> support to astropy during the last few years, but such an explanation
> would allow me to give my whole-hearted support to your request.
> While we are on the topic. Since, I have somewhat been maintaining and
> monitoring this, the astropy, maillist for about the past decade, do
> you envision this maillist to be integrated with the numfocus or
> astropy websites?
>  -- Paul
> > For reference, here is a link to numfocus: http://numfocus.org
> >
> > Perry
> >
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