[AstroPy] Montage in Python

Thomas Robitaille thomas.robitaille at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 11:54:32 EDT 2012

Hi everyone,

I have been in touch with Bruce Berriman, one of the main developers
of the Montage mosaicking toolkit (http://montage.ipac.caltech.edu/),
who is interested in finding out how Python users are using Montage
(as this may impact future directions for the package).

[Note that if you use APLpy, you may be making use of Montage, so
please read on!]

If you indeed use or have used Montage before, please take a couple of
minutes to email me at thomas.robitaille at gmail.com and let me know:

- whether you use Montage via Python scripts, and if so whether you
use it via the python-montage package, or via APLpy's make_rgb_cube
and north=True functionality (which requires Montage), or whether you
have developed your wrappers or just call the commands directly with
subprocess or os.system (or other ways I haven't mentioned!)

- what kind of projects you use Montage for (broadly)

- whether you have developed any packages that use Montage or python-montage

- whether you use Montage, but not from Python, and if so why not?

Your replies, however short, would be very helpful!


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