[AstroPy] Fwd: SciPy 2012 - Registration and deadlines

James Turner jturner at gemini.edu
Fri Apr 27 12:10:49 EDT 2012

> Have any others definitely decided to go or not go?  I'm still on the
> fence, but the mini-symposium certainly pushes me toward the go side.
> It would be good for the AstroPy project to be represented with people
> and a talk/poster.

I'd certainly like to see an AstroPy talk in the mini-symposium (which
I have now agreed to organize). Erik T. was figuring out (a month ago)
whether he can go for the main meeting and I'm not sure about Perry
(he's usually there but hasn't commented this time), but really the
more AstroPy people the merrier and if people want to discuss specific
aspects of the project then maybe it would be appropriate to have more
than one talk (but leaving room for other astronomy-related projects,
of course).



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