[AstroPy] support for multi-dimensional table columns in pyfits

Erik Bray embray at stsci.edu
Wed Mar 30 12:24:55 EDT 2011

Erin Sheldon wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 7:18 AM, Jonathan Slavin
> <jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> To any pyfits developers out there:
>> I'd like to request that support for multidimensional columns in binary
>> tables be added to pyfits.
> Jonathan-
> I actually recently requested this very feature, and Erik Bray of space
> telescope is working on it.  It is almost ready.

Right; this is mostly working in the development branch of pyfits right 
now, and should be in the next release.  As Erin wrote, there are still 
a couple problems with the implementation as is, though 
multi-dimensional columns should be returned in the correct shape.


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