[AstroPy] Ubuntu packages and state of AstroLib

Sergio Pascual sergiopr at fis.ucm.es
Mon Mar 14 18:19:09 EDT 2011


I have created a pywcs package for Fedora, it is still awaiting review
(if there are Fedora reviewers in the list, bug number is 654583).

I have taken the source code from stsdas.stsci.edu, I have added a
patch to use the system version of wcslib instead of the bundled one.

There are some other astronomy python packages in Fedora. pyfits and
numdisplay are already included. I have packaged ATpy and asciitable

Hope that helps

2011/3/14 Ole Streicher <astropy at liska.ath.cx>:
> Dear list,
> are there Ubuntu packages available for AstroLib? And/or are the packages
> for Debian or are there any efforts to create such?
> Since I need pywcs for Ubuntu, I would volunteer to create such a
> package, but I'd like to avoid doubling effort.
> In case I would need to create them myself: it seems a bit unclear on
> how to get started. The astrolib homepage <http://www.astrolib.org> does
> not show any releases; however there seem to be some openSUSE package
> built from a (released??) version
> http://stsdas.stsci.edu/astrolib/pywcs-1.9-4.4.4.tar.gz
> What is the current state of this software?
> Cheers
> Ole
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Sergio Pascual                        http://guaix.fis.ucm.es/~spr
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Departamento de Astrofísica -- Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)

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