[AstroPy] Deployment and packaging

Éric Depagne eric at depagne.org
Thu Jun 16 08:19:10 EDT 2011

Le jeudi 16 juin 2011 13:59:56, Tom Aldcroft a écrit :
> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 7:01 AM, Éric Depagne <eric at depagne.org> wrote:
> >> Is Linux, then, the main problem as far as "easy Python
> >> [+numpy/scipy/matplotlib] installations" go?
> > 
> > To my knowledge of various distributions, installing python/numpy/scipy
> > is very easy when running linux, it's just a matter of asking your
> > package installer to do so, and here it goes.
> > Of course, one has to know that it's done this way, but I suspect that
> > it's not the biggest hurdle (maybe I'm wrong, I do not know).
> This requires root access.  At CfA all the system-managed linux
> machines (hundreds) run CentOS-5, which includes Python 2.4 as the
> native python.  The RPM installs for numpy / scipy will be ancient
> versions.  Using CentOS-5 (as I am forced to do) is a challenge since
> the libraries are likewise ancient.  Getting PyGTK to build from
> source was a major project in archaeology, trying to guess which
> versions of the gtk dependencies would build.
Yes, you are right, the problem is that usually, institution have officially 
supported versions that are old. Andit's always difficult to deal with that, 
since it's very unlikely that this will change anytime soon (for good and bad 

> The upshot is that to provide a universally applicable solution
> requires a non-root installable distribution.
Or that we ask everyone to adminstrate their own machine (just kidding).

> I think everyone agrees that EPD itself is not acceptable because of
> license restrictions.  Probably 2/3 of people at CfA would not qualify
> under the academic license, myself included.

Most of the distribution provide enthought-packages so is it a real problem ? 
( that's a true question. I myself uses the mdv packages since I was never 
able ton install the epd itself on my cmoputer)

> - Tom A

Un clavier azerty en vaut deux
Éric Depagne                            eric at depagne.org

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