[AstroPy] Proliferating py-astro-libs

Erik Tollerud erik.tollerud at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 11:20:26 EDT 2011

I completely agree that an in-person meeting is probably the only way
to really push this along, and webcasting/conferencing would help even

So it sounds like the following options are plausible:

*Splinter meeting at AAS in Austin this January
*Fall Workshop at Space Telescope
*Fall Workshop at CfA/Harvard
*Scipy session next month

Personally, I'm rather strongly inclined against SciPy given that I
(and I suspect others who might attend) wouldn't be able to re-arrange
travel this quickly. I would think AAS might be a bit better given
that many people might be there anyway, although it might be easier to
run if it's a separate workshop... But the best thing to do is to
simply get a vote by interested parties as to which they might be able
to attend.

Are there any options other than the 4 I've listed above?  If not,
then Thomas, perhaps you can pot a poll on the wikispaces site for
which is the preferred option (wikispaces has a surveymonkey widget
you can embed into the page)?

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 5:25 PM, Perry Greenfield <perry at stsci.edu> wrote:
> I think we could probably host as well (I have to check the
> logistics). Fall is probably good for us as well but we could probably
> do it earlier if there was interest in doing it sooner than fall.
> Perry
> On Jun 13, 2011, at 5:14 PM, Thomas Robitaille wrote:
>> Just to put the suggestion out there, Tom A. and I would be happy to
>> try and host the meeting at CfA if there was interest for this,
>> preferably in the fall. We have webcast capabilities for the talks
>> (I like the idea of 'lightning' talks), though it would be harder to
>> have remote participation for the hands-on part.
>> Of course, we're also open to other locations, so if anyone else
>> interested in hosting this, please feel free to suggest!
>> Cheers,
>> Tom
>> On Monday, June 13, 2011 at 4:53 PM, James Turner wrote:
>>>> I agree with the idea of a workshop! (but with few talks, and
>>>> discussing/deciding/planning/coding would be the majority). I think
>>>> face to face would be much better than teleconference. I also like
>>>> the idea of a dedicated workshop, not a splinter.
>>> We could do both (a face-to-face workshop with video connections or
>>> whatever to whomever else wants to dial in; I wouldn't want to shut
>>> out students or people in far-flung continents).
>>> I agree that we'd keep the talks brief, just for context (1 day?)
>>> and focus on things like how to contribute, actually doing so and
>>> organization.
>>>> I suggest that those of us interested in a small workshop see what
>>>> would be possible in our own institutions. I think in the end we
>>>> should keep this focused on the development (rather than a general
>>>> python in astronomy conference). Keeping it small will also make it
>>>> easier to organize and manage.
>>> Chile would be nice but is probably a bit too far for people(?). As
>>> someone pointed out, Baltimore and Harvard seem relatively accessible
>>> for people from the US and Europe.
>>> Cheers,
>>> James.
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Erik Tollerud

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