[AstroPy] asciitable 0.5.0

Tom Aldcroft aldcroft at head.cfa.harvard.edu
Sun Jan 2 17:53:16 EST 2011

I'd like to announce the release of version 0.5.0 of asciitable, an
extensible module for reading and writing ASCII tables.  This release
features a new function to guess the table format from the supported
formats within asciitable.  This function is now called by default
within asciitable.read().


Other updates include:

- Added support for whitespace (tab or space) delimited tables by setting
  the delimiter parameter to "\s".
- Improved support for RDB tables by parsing the second line which specifies
  column type and (optionally) width.  These values are written out if
  available when writing an RDB table.
- More rigorous checking of format compatibility for several table formats.

Tom Aldcroft

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