[AstroPy] SAMPy release 1.2.0

Luigi Paioro luigi at lambrate.inaf.it
Thu Sep 23 08:00:19 EDT 2010

Dear All,

    we are pleased to announce the new SAMPy release 1.2.0, available at
PANDORA group site:


This is the ChangeLog:

- Fully support to SAMP_HUB environment variable as specified in SAMP
   1.2 protocol.
- Added the possibility of specify a custom lockfile explicitly when
   a new hub instance is created (-f or --lockfile from command line,
   lockfile parameter of SAMPHubServer class).
- SAMPClient and SAMPIntegratedClient updated adding a generic
   bindReceiveMessage method, which allows to bind a single function
   to calls and notifications.
- Added SAMPMsgReplierWrapper decorator class/function, useful to
   wrap bound functions that might return a response (calls or generic
   functions passed to bindReceiveMessage). This decorator accepts
   a client instance as argument and allows to return response
   parameters as a simple map (without the need of explicitly call
   the reply operation).
- eclient.py example script added showing the decorators use.
- http_file_server.py utility script added. It is able to serve a
   lockfile (or any other file) through an HTTP address.

********* IMPORTANT NOTE *********

We wish to draw your attention on the following message, also posted on 
the PANDORA home page:

After more than five years, due to lack of manpower and funds, we cannot 
support the Pandora programs and help-desk any more. As from October 
first 2010, the help-desk will be unavailable, and programs will not be 
updated any more, not even for bug fixing. The current version of SAMPy 
and all our programs will remain available for download for a few 
months, without any support or guarantee for installation and usage. If 
during these five years you have appreciated our work, and wish to 
support us for a last attempt to raise funds, you may go to this link 
and subscribe our petition.


Sorry if you have received multiple copies of this e-mail.

The PANDORA group

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