[AstroPy] ANN: vo.table 0.6 released

Michael Droettboom mdroe at stsci.edu
Wed Jul 21 10:28:25 EDT 2010

I have made a new release of vo.table, a library for parsing, validating 
and generating VOTable XML format files.

This release adds the following features since 0.5:

Changes since 0.5

- Initial support for conesearch, simple image access and simple
   spectrum access protocols.  This support should be considered
   experimental and subject to drastic changes in the future.

- Support for VOTable 1.2

- Improved compatibility with VOTable 1.0

- Support for Python 3.x

- All vo-specific warnings and exceptions have a number.  These
   warnings and exceptions are defined in the documentation.

- Warnings and error messages are more detailed.

- Only warnings indicating a violation of the specification are given
   type VOTableSpecWarning.

- Improved compatibility with Python 2.6

- C extension for writing XML, resulting in 2x speedup

- Generally faster

- More workarounds for invalid VOTABLE files in the wild


- Loading binary tables without an explicit 'nrows' is now fixed.

- pyfits is not required -- will only be used when necessary.


Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Space Telescope Science Institute
Baltimore, Maryland, USA

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