[AstroPy] ATpy 0.9.0 Release

Astronomical Python astropython at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 09:38:30 EDT 2009

We are pleased to announce the first public beta release of ATpy,
a high-level python module providing a way to manipulate tables of
astronomical data in a uniform way. More details are available at


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About ATpy

ATpy is a high-level package providing a way to manipulate tables of
astronomical data in a uniform way. A table is defined by any number
of columns of data, each characterized by a column name, unit, null
value, and description (the last three being optional), and can be
supplemented with metadata in the form of keywords or comments. ATpy
can be used to manipulate single tables as well as sets of tables.

ATpy can be used to:

     * Seamlessly read and write table data to a number of table
       formats (FITS, VO, and IPAC tables, and
       SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL databases), building on existing
       python modules. More formats will be supported in future.
     * Remove, add, or rename columns.
     * Access and modify individual table cells.
     * Create an empty table and populate it.
     * Create a new table from a selection of rows.
     * Add keywords and comments.
     * Read and write sets of tables.

Noting that ATpy is still in beta development, you may encounter
bugs and/or missing features. If this is the case, please let us
know either by emailing us at astropython at gmail.com, or by
leaving a bug report or feature request in the forums at:



Eli Bressert and Thomas Robitaille

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