[AstroPy] AstroGrid Python

Rick Wagner rwagner at physics.ucsd.edu
Thu Apr 10 22:21:39 EDT 2008


I wanted to point AstroGrid's Python package, which uses the Virtual  
Observatory for searching web services for data, querying catalogs,  
and handling data (amongst other things). Other than Peter Erwin's  
code, I haven't seen much talk about VO tools, so I wanted to get  
this out there. If there's interest in using the VO, I could write up  
a summary page on the wiki. And I'm betting some of the Space  
Telescope developers are up on the VO, too.

There's an introduction on the AstroGrid site; at the bottom of the  
page you'll find more complete examples.

I recommend following Getting Started instructions closely,  
especially the statement "you need the AstroGrid VO Desktop running".  
VO Desktop is another client tool built by the AstroGrid folks, and  
they're designed to work together. It's pretty cool, unless you  
forget to start VO Desktop first. In fact, you may want to start by  
looking at the AstroGrid Desktop page.


Rick Wagner, Graduate Student Researcher
UCSD Physics
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA  92093-0424
Email:  rwagner at physics.ucsd.edu
WWW:    http://lca.ucsd.edu/projects/rpwagner
(858) 822-4784 Phone
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