[AstroPy] numpy; bulk coordinate conversions

Andrew Jaffe a.jaffe at imperial.ac.uk
Thu May 11 16:44:59 EDT 2006


Actually, I wasn't talking about offline storage, really -- I was  
really talking
nted to know what sort of array/list/etc to use within python. I was  
already planning on using the routines from coord.position, but it  
seems that there's likely a lot of overhead in storing many  
individual position objects, especially when I'll want to do the same  
conversions on each of them.


On 11 May 2006, at 21:06, mkuemmel at eso.org wrote:

>>> - I've got to convert a large number -- potentially millions -- of
>>>   points between coordinate systems. Is there a recommended and/ 
>>> or easy
>>>   way to do this? (I think this is two separate questions,  
>>> really: how
>>>   should I store millions of positions, and how should I then do the
>>>   conversion?)
>> As to storing a million positions...you could use a text file or a
>> database. The latter makes more sense if you want to search the
>> results.
> For large scale project involving lots of people dealing with the  
> data,
> yes, take a data base.
> If it's just few people using the data, take text files and the  
> AstroAsciiData
> package. Then you have just everything in python, and it is fast  
> enough
> once the files are read in.
> Cheers,
> Martin

Andrew Jaffe                                    a.jaffe at imperial.ac.uk
Astrophysics Group                                    +44 207 594-7526
Blackett Laboratory, Room 1013                    FAX             7541
Imperial College, Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2AZ ENGLAND              http://astro.imperial.ac.uk/~jaffe

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