[AstroPy] Draft specification for PyFITS functional interface

Peter Erwin erwin at iac.es
Wed Mar 30 14:56:15 EST 2005

At 2:42 PM -0500 3/30/05, Paul Barrett wrote:
>I'm wondering if these convenience functions aren't better off in a 
>separate python module that imports pyfits.  This approach would 
>keep the pyfits interface simple and objected-oriented, and would 
>signal that the procedural interface is being used.  Command line 
>versions of these convenience functions could also exist, so that 
>users could easily extract information from a FITS file.

Wouldn't that make things more confusing for users, with two modules to worry
about instead of one?  I like the idea that if I want to do things 
with FITS files,
all I need to do is import pyfits; then I can worry about whether I want to use
a simple functional approach, or something object-oriented, as the need

    -- Peter
Peter Erwin                   Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
erwin at iac.es                  C/ Via Lactea s/n
tel. +34 922 605 238          38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
fax  +34 922 605 210          http://www.iac.es/galeria/erwin

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