[AstroPy] Numarray 0.9 now on Source Forge

Russell E Owen owen at astro.washington.edu
Fri Mar 19 11:47:51 EST 2004

<x-flowed>At 11:04 AM -0500 2004-03-19, Nor Pirzkal wrote:
>	I am trying to install numarray 0.9 but cannot seem to be 
>able to install the extra Packages (MA LinearAlgebra2 etc...). I 
>think that this used to be handled by something like setupall.py in 
>the past. How should I install these?

Are you sure they aren't already installed?

I found that MA was installed automatically as part of numarray 0.8. 
I have no idea about the linear algebra stuff.

Note that the documentation was out of date in this respect (and I 
may have forgotten to submit a bug report on that).

-- Russell
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