Astro-Py list

Andrew Vick A.Vick at
Thu Feb 24 10:14:26 EST 2000

>This list has been quiet since I joined - is there actually anyone out

 Yes, the list traffic has never been that heavy. For the record I work at the
UK-ATC (that was the Royal Observatory Edinburgh) on an AO project called NAOMI.
Python has been used in the control system, for data analysis, as part of the
messaging system and for all sorts of assorted tasks. There appears to be
several types of FIT's modules available for python, and I know that one of my
old colleagues at Durham wrap'd cfitsio and the starlink NDF libraries at one
time. I will try and sort out the code for this and a few other things and get
them on the net somewhere, but since we are approaching instrument
commissioning it make take some time....

 At one time I did start to make a module for the base routines in Nicholas's
eclipse library (see 'Fast FITS queries in Python'), but it's only 20%
completed. So little time, so many project managers ;-)

 Andy Vick 

 Andrew J. A. Vick                Email: A.Vick at, No solicitations
 UK ATC,                          See
 Royal Observatory Edinburgh,
 Blackford Hill,                        
 Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK.          Tel: +44-131-668-8100 

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