[AstroPy] Python BoF at ADASS '99

Paul Barrett Barrett at stsci.edu
Wed Sep 15 14:11:50 EDT 1999

Dear Colleagues,

A Python BoF has been scheduled for ADASS '99 on Tuesday afternoon
from 4:15 - 6:00 PM.  We have decided on the following tentative

        4:15 - 4:45             Intro           David Beazley
        4:45 - 5:00             PyRAF           Perry Greenfield
        5:00 - 5:15             PyFITS          Paul Barrett
        5:15 - 5:30             other projects
        5:30 - 6:00             general discussion

Assuming that Python is still not well known by astronomers and
therefore some interested observers may attend the BoF to learn more
about Python, we thought it best to start the BoF with an intro about
Python which is intended to be complementary to the invited talk. The
middle part of the BoF will be a series of short presentations about
current projects and the last part will be a discussion of needs and
future projects.

For those of you attending the ADASS meeting and the Python BoF, this
is a chance for you to give your opinion of how this BoF should be
organized or scheduled.  That is: do you have any special topics that
you would like to see discussed or presented, e.g. plotting, image
display, or enhancements to the Numeric module?  Or would you like to
give a short presentation about a Python project that you are working
on, e.g. the ultimate spectral analysis program?

In any case, If I don't hear from you on the AstroPy mailing list, I
hope to see you in Hawaii.

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