[python-advocacy] Advocacy Digest, Vol 39, Issue 1

David Goodger goodger at python.org
Mon May 24 16:31:05 CEST 2010

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 09:59, Carl Karsten <carl at personnelware.com> wrote:
> Anyone understand what is going on here?

It seems to be noise from somebody going by various names: "Na Na", "N
A", "Robert Spencer Yancey", "Rob Jenkins", "BoB". Writing to various
mailing lists from several email addresses:

julyyancey at yahoo.com
whiskyrvr49 at yahoo.com
daytripr6 at yahoo.com
wisdoms369 at yahoo.com

It seems to be a real person behind all this. I replied to one message
asking him to stop spamming and to use his real name. That just
started a long series of illiterate and clueless requests for "help",
claiming to be involved with GSoC.

I suggest ignoring, filtering, or banning.

David Goodger <http://python.net/~goodger>

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