[python-advocacy] How programming language webpages should be designed

Ray Allen rayallen153 at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 12 21:57:11 CET 2009

>> http://docs.google.com/View?id=dct77gh9_0hkv55s7w
> Well, I really like it. :-)
> Personally I doubt the news items are important to *new* visitors of 
> the Python.org site - who are the most important visitors. I would 
> have no objection to pushing the news items down in favour of a 
> prominent code example like that.
> I have a *strong* preference for the code example being text (styled 
> with CSS) rather than image though.
> All the best,
> Michael
I agree on the news, and can see why it would be best for the code 
example to be plain text (subject to it remaining high contrast).  
Thanks for the positive response.

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