[python-advocacy] How programming language webpages should be designed

Roy Smith roy at panix.com
Thu Nov 12 16:11:47 CET 2009

Well, except for the '[' -> '{' typo I made :-)

On Nov 12, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Roy Smith wrote:

>> # Create and add to a list
>> python = []
>> python.append("Easy to read")
>> python.append("Fast to code")
>> python.append("Quick to learn")
>> python.append("Modular and object oriented")
>> python.append("Open source and cross platform")
> I'm not sure what this is intended to demonstrate, but it's  
> certainly not a good example of idiomatic python code.  The ratio of  
> real data to cruft is about 1:1
> python = {"Easy to read",
>                 "Fast to code",
>                 etc
>                 "Open source and cross platform"]
> is certainly the way anybody would write that.
> ----------------
> Roy Smith
> roy at panix.com

Roy Smith
roy at panix.com

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