[python-advocacy] How programming language webpages should be designed

David Beazley d-beazley at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 9 19:25:38 CET 2009

Actually, I would slightly disagree.   In the "Essential Reference", I  
do have some examples that use print() in a way that will work for  
both Python 2 and 3.  However, I also explicitly state that the only  
reason I do that is so that examples meant to illustrate some feature  
of Python not related to printing work with both versions.   There is  
no section on explicitly writing code that works with both versions.

If you ask me, it's probably better to pick a reasonable example that  
is not so focused on printing.    I don't know, do something like an  
example that posts something on Twitter, or some other example that  
does something interesting, but which is not totally fixated on  


On Nov 9, 2009, at 10:28 AM, Michael Tobis wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 7:32 AM, Jason Baker <amnorvend at gmail.com>  
> wrote:
>>  1. We have an example on the front page that works in both Python 2
>> and Python 3.  This is a tall order, but we are talking about the
>> front page of python.org here.
> It's not THAT tall of an order. As I understand it Beazley's new
> edition of Essential Python (don't have my copy yet) has a section on
> how to write such ambidextrous code. Other than only passing one
> string to "print" at a time (not that big a constraint in practice;
> you simply concatenate strings with "+" rather than "," and wrap
> non-stings in str()) that doesn't touch elementary aspects of the
> language much.
> mt
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