[python-advocacy] Starting a Users Group

Chris McAvoy chris.mcavoy at gmail.com
Wed May 30 15:56:42 CEST 2007

Just chiming in to say I agree with everyone.  I'm one of the founders
of the Chicago group (chipy.org).  Something to to keep in mind as an
option is to find a non-Python group (like a Ruby, PHP or Perl group)
and see if you can join forces with them.  If you're in a market that
might not sustain monthly meetings for _just_python_ it might be worth
lumping together with other groups so that you can say "this month we
have a presentation on PHP MySQL libraries, and Python MySQL

Just a thought.

Don't get me wrong here...Python is the greatest language ever, all
other languages pale in comparison, and should be crushed under our
wheels.  If we group up with them, we'll have a better idea of who
needs to be crushed.


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