[python-advocacy] lean py in 3 min

Jeff Rush jeff at taupro.com
Fri May 4 10:35:37 CEST 2007

Carl Karsten wrote:
> Like most mornings, had a thought but this one seemed worth posting.

You too, eh?

> What if one could could learn python with an insignificant impact on your daily 
> activities?

Roy Smith wrote:
> Other than us geeks, most people don't want to learn a language for the
> sake of learning a language, they want to do it because it lets them get
> something done.

True, but there may be something to Carl's idea with respect to existing
Python programmers -improving- their skills.  For any language there is a wide
spread between those those just know enough to get along, and those who have
fully mastered the tool.

Doug Hellmann has started a "Python Module of the Week" kind of thing.
Perhaps a series of learning materials that focus on some aspect of Python -
generators, iterators, metaclasses, attributes/properties/descriptors, new
'with:' feature, decimal math - in a short period of time to raise awareness.

I'll note these ideas and give it some thought.


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