[python-advocacy] quote from comp.lang.python

Oğuz Yarımtepe comp.ogz at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 20:47:49 CET 2007

On Monday 19 March 2007 04:33:52 Roy Smith wrote:
> The choice is made.   The school where I teach has finally
> made its decision to teach Python first.    For several years,
> we have been teaching Java first, and before that, C++

Here, in my university we had a translation group that is translating mainly 
TLDP docs to Turkish. We are interested in Linux related docs. One of the 
docs that is translated by one of our teacher was "How To Become A Hacker" 
that is written by E. S. Raymond. After the explainations written there[1], 
our theacher started to teach Python in the Algorithms and Programming lesson 
to the computer engineering students who are at the first class.

There is a site here[2] that lists Debian users. There can be a similar thing 
for Python users too. There is a quotes section, but if it is enhanced to 
cover universities, project developers and others that diont came to my mind 
right now, it may be more effective.

For ex, i am a senior computer engineering student and developing my final 
project using Python. Also there is a new GNU/Linux distro called Pardus and 
using many Pythonic tools[3]

[1] http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html#skills1
[2] http://www.debian.org/users/
[3] http://www.pardus.org.tr/eng/projects/comar/PythonInPardus.html

Oğuz Yarımtepe

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