[python-advocacy] that guy that decides py or not to py?

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Wed Mar 14 19:27:58 CET 2007

Carl Karsten wrote:
 > I took on python as the result of a personal choice.   I am sure there is a huge
 > population of people in that boat.
 > I think there is a bigger boat: the groups that are lead by a 'manager' (pointy
 > hair or otherwise) that is a single person directing a group: "We are going to
 > use language X."
 > That person's choice of X will cascade - his group will learn about X, and each
 > member be able to speak about X, and recommend X to other leaders, and the told
 > two friends...
 > What makes 'that person' pick X?
 > Given there are many of those persons, there are many answers.  (duh.)
 > I. noise, not data.
 >    a. no time to make a well thought out decision, just go with the buzz.
 >    b. no one gets fired for choosing IBM
 > II. some outside force makes it "the logical thing to do."
 >    a. we need to enhance Foo, which is written in X,
 >    b. some of the team knows X
 > III. first hand knowledge of all the options, and X was the clear winner.
 >    a.  Suddenly the magic of the spell pulls Fiona away. She's lifted
 >       up into the air and she hovers there while the magic works around
 >         her.
 > These are all I can think of in this category.

friend says:

also, first hand knowledge of "all" options isn't exactly true...I mean  as 
programming goes, there is pretty much no one who knows all  options.  First 
hand knowledge of all known 'available' options,  maybe.  All the options for me 
isn't all the options for you.

   You only do what you know, so the question really is, what breaks you  out of 
the box of doing what you know?  What makes a caterpiller  coccoon?  The beleif 
that something better is out there?  The  knowledge that other caterpillers did 
it and survived?  The fact  that it's what all caterpillers have done for ages? 
  The  acknowledgement that change happens, if you don't change you will die?

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