[python-advocacy] awards (was Re: Pycon)

David Goodger goodger at python.org
Wed Mar 7 23:08:56 CET 2007

Just an update: The PSF Directors will discuss awards at the Board
meeting on Monday.  We'll discuss Alvin's ideas, and anything people
come up with in the meantime.  Volunteers to manage and help with this
would be most welcome.

I'm also working on figuring out what to do about the Frank Willison
Award for OSCON.

David Goodger, PSF Secretary

[Context provided for PSF Board members who haven't seen it yet:]

On Feb 27, 2007, at 9:28 AM, DeanG wrote:
> One outlet of Person of the Year is the O'Reilly Frank Willison
> Award given at OSCON.
> In the last few years it's gotten less attention and could use an
> Advocacy or PSF contact person.

On 2/27/07, Stephan Deibel <sdeibel at wingware.com > wrote:
> Yes, although it's at OSCON and not PyCon so would be good to have
> something at PyCon if someone is willing to take the lead on this.
> Feel free to contact me to arrange some sort of prizes paid for by
> the PSF.
> BTW, at PyCon I found out that O'Reilly apparently thinks the
> Willison Award is supposed to be a PSF thing, and apparently last
> year's recipient never got any sort of paper or plaque or anything.
> This may be confusion from the many changes of who is the main
> Python contact at O'Reilly.  I've never been to OSCON so don't know
> how it was presented in the past.  Clearly needs to be fixed --
> don't use that as a model for how any PyCon-time award is done! ;-)
> In fact if someone wants to manage both awards, that would be great.
> This is one of those items that the PSF board hasn't had time to do
> a good job with and each of the last years it's been a last minute
> thing.

On 2/27/07, Alvin Wang <alvinwang at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here are my thoughts on Pycon awards.  I would be willing to put
> some work into it if nobody more qualified steps forward.
> 1) Decide on a manageable set of annual awards say <10.  Suggestions
> from community by 8/31
> - Python book of the year - should have word python on the cover -
>   not required
> - Python article of the year - magazine web or print not a blog
>   posting
> - Python Evangelist of the year
> - Python - closed source Product of the year
> - Python open source project of the year
>  - Python - new project of the year
>  - Python Groundbreaker of the year
> - Etc.
> 2) Nomination period - say 12/15->1/15
> 3) Voting period - say 1/16->2/15
> 4) Awards - whenever Pycon is

David Goodger <http://python.net/~goodger>

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